Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Flitting around with the swallows.

I can't believe it's six months since I posted on this blog.  I have been busy with life.....
We spent January in Murcia, Spain.  While there we explored the area and decided to stay around Isla Plana this winter.  To this end we have rented a house on the beach from October on, and now we are looking forward to spending next winter in sunnier climes.

This has other opportunities, we are learning Spanish...slowly in my case... and I am looking forward to starting work when we get back to Murcia.  The landscape is full of rich warm colours, just the kind of landscape I love to paint.  A selection of pictures below will illustrate my point.

Our house backs on to the beach, so fishing will be on the menu too, as will the fish.  
The house has a beautifully lit basement with a large high level window to use as a studio when I'm not painting on site so I will have no excuses not to work.  In the meantime here in Ireland I am still not working at my painting, although I am very busy with my angling guiding this year in between trying to get home improvements progressed for when we return next spring.  

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