Sunday, March 17, 2013

From Snow to sunshine...

We had snow this week, so spring must have arrived!  I endeavoured to paint one plein air up in the Dublin Mountains on the old military road towards the sally gap.  I thought about doing a second, but my hands were so cold I couldn't control the paint... the time of day is late afternoon and the temperature was dropping below freezing again.   In the sky are bands of cloud heavy with snow showers, these came across the sky in regular lines, throwing down their cargo of snow in 10 minute waves.  Unlike many other areas, when we get cold weather here in Ireland it is a damp cold, and although not as cold as other countries, it feels much colder.
A day later the snow had gone again, two days later I was out doing some work in shirt sleeves.  Welcome to the Irish weather.

I'm off to sunny Spain next week, (Northern Catalonia) weather forecasts for between 15 and 20 degrees centigrade, possible showers.  Just like an Irish summer.  I must remember to pack my sketchbook, I think I may take pastel pencils as well or instead of watercolours.  We will probably travel across the border to southern France too.  We want to visit Cadeques, Colioure and of we have time the Narbonne.  it will be a change from today, St. Patrick's day in Dublin where it is cold, damp and very dull.

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