Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Some sad news...

I have not been posting recently, I have been busy looking after Dubh, who passed away last night after a short battle with a very aggressive cancer. This photo was taken only about two or three weeks ago. Dubh had a 2nd operation in November to remove a growth on her stomach, and had dental work done. Sadly in mid-January we found a growth in her mouth, which upon biopsy turned out to be the aggressive cancer which took her from us yesterday.
Dubh travelled everywhere with me, fishing, painting, walking and even driving to the shops and back. She spent hours in my studio when I was painting, she even had her own bed in my studio, happy to be where she could keep an eye on me lest I escape without her. Sadly, I'll be allowed to paint alone from now on... and all my angling friends will miss the cutest looking Ghillie, who always managed to get herself into the photo, even official group photos at the competitions.


  1. aw, I'm so sorry for your loss Greg. Dubh will be missed here too. But she was well-loved. :)

  2. Ugh. I'm going to cry now. I have a lab who's going on 9 years old. Every year she gets older I dread that inevitable day more and more.
    I hope you'll find it in your heart to give another dog such a loving home!

  3. Christa, we have a rescue dog here at the moment. He's different though, much too independent and selfish to replace Dubh. He's like a spoiled child, but cute looking.
