Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A trip to St. Kevins Tower, Glendalough.

I took a trip to Glendalough yesterday. I took my camera down to take reference photos for my commission. I let Eoin drive me down and back in his car, and while we were there, he
called into the visitor centre to meet another PHD student who works there. I had never been into the interpretive center before, but it was well worth a visit, and they only charge one euro entry, which is for nothing really.

I found the light a little akward though when
walking around. It had a silvery grey look, washing out much of the colour. Allied to that, was the fact that there was a misty look to the more distant hillsides. I gave up trying to get a photo of the church and tower through the trees because the stonework was invisible behind the tree branches, or at least the tree branches were invisible in front of the stone buildings.
Either way, I have decided my painting is going to take quite a lot of planning. I have my canvas and other supplies all lined up ready for action. However it will have to wait until after tomorrow, I am getting some more root-canal work done at the Dentist in the afternoon. This will be followed by a little more travelling to meet up with a friend, and the retrieval of my left behind fishing hat. Yes, the new season is fast approaching.


  1. ah, I can see one of your paintings in that image of the stream! I personally love grey skies. To me it makes the colour I do see easier to differentiate and take to a bold extreme in a painting.

  2. I see too many grey skies. Give me the blue of a mediterranean sky, a few harsh shadows from glorious sunshine...and I'm in heaven (or Nice, Malta, Portugal, or maybe even the African continent)
    One of these days you will have to visit us, I can guarantee you will see lots of grey skies :D
