Sunday, February 20, 2011

February 20th!!!

Where has the time gone? !Shock and Horror! It's almost a month since I posted on my blog.
I have been busy with angling club AGMs, both attending and organising, add to that some re-decorating of the house and I have been rather busy.
On the art front, Starry Night Retreat in Truth or Consequences in New Mexico have offered me a residency. I am hoping to go next spring, after my International Angling duties in the Autumn.
I am looking forward to going to New Mexico, the landscape in the State looks ideal for me. Hot dusty red earths in a very interesting landscape. I am just waiting confirmation on the availability of my chosen dates now, and then I will have to start seeking travel grants towards the cost of travelling. Flights to New Mexico are quite expensive, alongside all the other costs.
I think I can produce some interesting work from the area, I am hoping to go for six weeks which will allow me to produce about two dozen plein air works as a basis for finished pieces and maybe one or two further finished works on site and in the studio provided by Starry night as part of the residencies.

More on this later, in the meantime I need to get back to sanding and filling walls before stripping wallpaper from the next room on the agenda... This really isn't the kinda painting I like doing, but it needs doing before the fishing season starts. ;)

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