Friday, July 16, 2010

The Arts in South Dublin.

I spent this morning at a South Dublin Arts consultation meeting. What struck me most was the lack of complaints arising from the last five year strategy. All seemed to realise that a lot was achieved by the Arts office over the period. There was discussion as to what else was needed, gaps in the system and what we felt was needed as artists and facilitators. There seemed to be a fairly good consensus from most contributors, so much so that some who were asked for their view stated that their ideas were already there added by previous speakers.
There was an idea that struck a chord with many of the individual artists (as opposed to the arts organisations) to have a 'local' social networking site for the arts. This will allow us to discuss items of importance offer some mentoring or support, organise collaborative projects or just arrange get-togethers. A simple idea that has been missed even though many of us use social networking already. There is a move towards a forum/regular get-together starting in September facilitated by the Arts office.

The Arts are looking bright in South Dublin.

Personally, I had my second visit to the physiotherapist this evening. Hopefully Iwill be improved enough to start work soon. I've an itchy paintbrush, it's a pity about the body that will use it.

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