Thursday, June 24, 2010

Midsummer has gone already..

It is hard to believe we are already halfway through another year. I seem to have got little done so far. At the same time it is great to have such a summer as we are having recently. I don't think we have had weather like this for at least five years, after the last few weeks I'm not wishing to go to the Sun again... It is here at home, I am spending lots of time sitting by my pond watching my fish get fat. I tend to feed them more often when it's sunny, I'm not such an easy touch when it's raining... LOL
Meanwhile the Blue-tit chicks are exploring the tree outside my studio, happily eating all the greenfly and caterpillars they can find. The warm summer has helped all the small birds get a good breeding season in after a few poor years with the cold and wet summers we have had. Hopefully they will rear a second brood too.

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