Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring has arrived...

I haven't done much painting recently. I have been busy building a website for someone and struggling to get the garden in order before we go to Cannes later in the month. I have nearly done most of the clean-up work, and I'm almost finished planting tubs, boxes and baskets. All I need to do now is plant up some beds, lay a path that we can use to go to the pond and my studio, (the ground got rather muddy over this winter, mainly due to the extraordinary heavy rain early on.) and mow the grass again!

I am also trying to get an International Artists festival off the ground in South Dublin, so I have organised the first meeting, attended it and now I am preparing for our second meeting, which I hope will reach a consensus on what exactly we want the festival to encompass regarding different arts and arts practices. The idea in principle recieved a good response with a good number of artists and arts industry people willing to work toward it. It re-inforces the fact that there is a need for something like it in the area. The very fact that so many are of the same view, enough to give of their time and expertise in trying to make it work makes me glad I set the ball rolling. I am very concious not to dominate the discussions though, I found at the last meeting a few kept asking me for details about the proposed festival, which I had to stress was down to the whole group who are going to organise it. For this reason I have asked the group to come with proposals themselves at the next meeting, so we can discuss and decide as a group.
Fingers crossed it will go well, and we can get down to actually organising the funding and sponsorship.......

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