Saturday, November 29, 2008

I didn't get to photograph the 2nd Venitian painting yet. I have been too busy. Last nights' group show opening seemed to go well, I had already sold two before I left, so it is looking good, even without more sales. A sell rate of 33% is a good result for a large group show opening anyway.

I am hoping for more sales before the exhibition closes, but either way I will be happy. Getting that first sale when you don't have your own buyers list at a show is always important. Red dots (sold signs) encourage others to invest. It is great to be doing well at the moment, I am feeling energised painting wise and will be in a position to splash out in the Art supplies shop after Christmas. There will be too much gift set stocks and too little room in the shops to browse for my liking between now and the new year. I have enough of everything until January anyway.

I find it easier to get good deals on canvas, brushes etc. in January too, so I don't really want to brave the Christmas shoppers and the city traffic.

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